Region6 2022 Results

Please see the files below for all the Region 6 2022 Carnival results,

You can find a PDF of just all of your centers' results as well as a full list of all results for the weekend


Also see the update list of Regioon 6 recors and it very pleasing to see that there was 34 records set across the weekends events and across all disciplines. Who said Grass tracks were slow!  

NWMET Zone Session times

See the attached file for all the Event times for NWMET 2022 Zone Carnival

These times are the EVENT START TIMES. TRACK marshalling will be 20 minutes before these times, unless otherwise announced.

All Track event competitiors  will report to the marshalling tent.


Due to Covid-19, Field events will proceed directly to their events. An announcement will be made when to go to the event, please Do NOT Go before the announcement, which will be prior to the scheduled time.

Zone 2019-20

Here are all the results from our 2019 zone carnival
Congratulations to all those that competed over the weekend in some trying conditions at times due to the smoke and pollution

A big thanks to all the officials that make the carnival possible

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